marketing book podcast

Humanizing B2B: The New Truth in Marketing That Will Transform Your Brand and Your Sales by Paul Cash and James Trezona

About the Author

Paul Cash has led a 25-year career in business marketing and Entrepreneurship, starting in 1996, when he set up a screensaver software company. After that, he co-founded a technology marketing company (Tidalwave), which became the fastest-growing marketing agency in the UK and which he was once offered 19 million pounds for, which he turned down.

2013, having exited Tidalwave, he set up Rooster Punk, a business-to-business agency.

And, interesting fact – he is an FA qualified goalkeeper coach and runs a youth football team in Surrey at the weekends!

About the Book

There’s a new truth in B2B marketing: if you want to move products, you need to move minds.

Most companies suffer from a delusion, and it’s this: that buyers always make decisions in a rational, logical, and economic way. The result is a slew of features-driven B2B marketing that few people really care about. In recent years B2B customers have evolved. They don’t just want to buy from businesses anymore, they want to buy into them.

The problem is too few B2B companies realize this. They continue with the same product-centric marketing that increases revenue by a percentage point here and there. It seems safe but it’s dangerously short-sighted because it doesn’t deliver the transformational and long-term growth that makes businesses category leaders.

It’s even more important to address this issue at such a critical and delicate moment in the world economy. Marketing leaders require strategies that have an exponential, rather than an incremental, effect on the brand, marketing, and sales, and to implement them they need the new super-skills this book teaches.

This involves establishing a core purpose, shifting the focus from products to people, from features to feelings, and from messaging to storytelling, acknowledging that neuroscience has proved that people buy on emotion and justify with fact. In other words, it requires a completely different mindset to the one that’s prevalent right now, one called ‘Humanizing B2B’.

Listen to the Interview…


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