marketing book podcast

The Smart Advertising Book: How To Deliver Advertising That Grows Your Brand by Dan White

The Smart Advertising Book by Dan White

About the Book

Brands today have a bewildering array of ways to communicate with their target audience.

To succeed, brand owners need to know how to identify the best combination of media and how to create effective content.

Much advertising is ill-chosen and poorly executed; understanding how to harness its potential provides a strong competitive advantage.

This book guides company leaders, marketers, and entrepreneurs in delivering effective advertising.

It summarizes all the latest evidence and thinking about successful advertising in a clear, accessible way with inspiring examples and the author’s trademark frameworks, analogies, and hand-drawn illustrations.

About the Author

Dan White is a marketing insights innovator. His career includes a decade as an insights professional, another as a brand advisor, and a third as a Chief Marketing Officer.

His other books include The Smart Marketing Book: The Definitive Guide To Effective Marketing Strategies, and The Smart Branding Book: How To Build A Profitable And Resilient Brand, both previously featured on The Marketing Book Podcast.

Dan co-developed BRANDZ, the world’s biggest brand equity measurement system and his thinking has shaped the design of leading copy test and brand tracking methodologies.

He has advised famous, billion-dollar brands on how to thrive and his summaries and trademark visualizations have earned praise from luminaries in the marketing, advertising, and media industries.

And, interesting fact – Dan White is now a member of a very exclusive and secretive fraternity – The Marketing Book Podcast 3-Timers Club!

taco bell

Listen to the Interview…



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